Dr. John Petzet

Associate Professor of 音乐, Director of Choral Activities

办公室: 工厂 236   |    电话: (308) 865-8609   |    电子邮件: petzetj@85500171.com

Dr. John Martin Petzet


Dr. John Martin Petzet is Associate Professor of 音乐 and Director of Choral Activities at the University of 内布拉斯加州-Kearney.  He conducts the Choraleers, Vocal Collegium, Men’s and Women’s Choruses, and teaches Secondary Choral Methods and Advanced Choral Conducting.  He is a native of Tulsa, 俄克拉何马州, where he taught middle school and high school for 5 years.

His choirs have performed at the 2018 and 2019 音乐 by Women Festival at the historic Mississippi University for Women, the 2016 and 2018 路易斯安那州 American Choral Directors Association State Convention, the 2015 National Association of Composers-USA Convention, and at the 2014 路易斯安那州 音乐 Educators Association Conference.  Furthermore, he has conducted honor choirs across 路易斯安那州 and in Colorado, was invited to teach at the West 德州 Choral Workshop, and to teach, 现在, and conduct at La Universidad Autónoma De Ciudad Juárez, work with the Anaíma Ensamble Vocal in Juárez, 墨西哥, and was invited back to 现在 and conduct on the opening concert of the 10th Congress of the Asociación de Mexicana de Maestros di Canto (AMMCA). 

The American Choral Directors Association Choral Journal published his article, “Matthew Harris’s Shakespeare Songs-The Bard’s Lyrics Meet American Popular 音乐.”  Dr. Petzet has also written two compact disc reviews for the Choral Journal and has 现在ed interest sessions in Alabama, 阿肯色州, 堪萨斯, 路易斯安那州, Mississippi, North Dakota, 俄克拉何马州, 田纳西州, 德州, 和犹他州.  He was the College/University Repertoire and Standards Chair for the 路易斯安那州 ACDA Chapter for 6 years.  Dr. Petzet performed with Red Shift, the premier professional choir of Baton Rouge, LA at the National College 音乐 Society Conference in Vancouver, 加拿大.  He also sang, 参观了, and recorded with the 堪萨斯 City Chorale under the direction of Charles Bruffy during the 2003-2004 season.  While performing with the Chorale, he sang on the Chandos recording of Alexandre Grechaninov’s Passion Week, which won a Grammy for Best Engineered Classical Album. 

He holds the DMA in Choral Conducting from 德州 Tech University and the Masters in Choral Conducting from the University of 堪萨斯.  He resides in Kearney, 内布拉斯加州, with this lovely wife Jennifer and his 3 children:  Zachary, 安德鲁, and Catherine.